Anxiety is certainly one of the most common reasons people begin to see a counselor. Often times when I first start talking with people about their anxiety, their number one goal is to make it go away. I understand where they are coming from. Anxiety is an incredibly uncomfortable and debilitating issue to deal with. What might surprise you though, is that anxiety is not all bad.
I often tell people, “If you are skydiving, I want you to feel anxious.” Anxiety is there for a reason. Our brains should feel anxious in the appropriate situation. It is a way of protecting us and keeping us safe in environments where potential danger exists. Where things go wrong is when our brain loses the ability to determine what is a true threat versus a perceived one. When this happens, anxiety is misplaced and begins to impact our lives in a negative way.
Thinking about putting your anxiety back in its appropriate place, rather than numbing it or trying to make it go away completely is a new perspective that can begin the journey towards healing for you.
Wondering if therapy could help you with your anxiety? Schedule a free consultation now.
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