You are the first to the office every day. You work harder and smarter than everyone else, and it shows. You thought things would feel different by now, that you’d be able to have a moment to take a breath finally. Instead, you are consistently worried that if you slow down for even a minute, everything will slip right through your fingers.
You go on vacations. You sit in the sand, cocktail in hand, watching your kids play in the waves, but your mind is racing and your heart is in your throat with fear of what will happen to all you aren’t attending to right now. You feel incapable of being in the moment, consistently concerned about work, the future, and maintaining the life you have. You live in a constant state of overwhelm.
Sure, you have friends, but you struggle to find deep, meaningful relationships. Even with your partner, things feel more like a business partnership. Being known feels scary and unsafe because of the countless ways you’ve been let down and betrayed by others you once trusted.
You give your family the benefit of the doubt, but you can’t kick the feeling that something was off. Even though you talk to them on a somewhat regular basis, you leave the conversations with a sense of emptiness and powerlessness.
You keep thinking, when I get the next promotion or when the kids are older, things will be more fulfilling, but with each achieved goal the pit in your stomach only gets bigger.
You need a guide to lead you to find your way and fill the voids in your life. Untangling complex trauma and healing from it takes someone with a delicate and effective approach. As a therapist for childhood trauma and high functioning anxiety, I use Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) approaches to help my clients on their journey to discovering the problem, finding the path forward, and ultimately uncovering a life of peace.
A 50-minute individual session allows you time and space to work on yourself in a contained, safe environment.
Cost Per Session:
you experienced complex or family of origin trauma
you experienced an abusive relationship
you experienced betrayal trauma (can also include partner of an addict)
you recently lost a loved one to suicide
you find yourself in toxic relationships or friendships over and over again
you feel generally unfulfilled and don’t know why your nervous system is on high alert
This is designed to help you get deeper and further faster over a 3 to 5-day period of time. Each immersive starts with a 90-minute assessment session to determine goals and approach. Afterwards, an individualized plan with a variety of therapeutic interventions will be scheduled for you on an agreed upon date.
90-minute assessment:
you are motivated to do deep therapeutic work
you are in weekly therapy and feel stuck
you want to do trauma work in a more concise period of time
you want to see significant progress in a short, intense amount of time
I specialize in couples where one or both people have experienced trauma. Too often one person believes that if the person who experienced trauma would go to therapy, everything would be better. It takes a true partnership to get through trauma work. This can help your communication, help you better understand one another, and stop trigger responses from running your lives.
Cost Per Session:
you struggle to understand why your partner behaves a certain way because of trauma
you Feel like you and your partner are constantly triggering one another
you Struggle to feel heard and understood by each other
you Struggle to find contentment in your relationship
you Struggle to have boundaries to protect your relationship
A good fit is the most important thing to consider when choosing a therapist. I know that my approach is not for everyone, and that is okay. You might be at a place where you already know you want to work with me, but if you are still on the fence, here are a few things to consider to help you make your decision:
Are interested in deep therapeutic work
Feel like your coping skills are not working
Want to see long-lasting change
Are willing to commit to coming to therapy twice a month or more
Are open to an approach that is more experiential based and less cognitive (talk) based
Are open to paying out-of-pocket for services
Are looking for quick tips and tricks to feel better
Want to come to therapy less than twice a month
Prefer to use your in-network insurance benefits
Prefer structured homework outside of sessions
Want a simple, sort-term solution
Schedule a free 15 minute consultation so we can meet and collaborate. This will be by phone or video. I’ll answer any questions you have about me and this will give you the opportunity to better understand the onboarding process.
If we find that we are a good fit, I will schedule your initial appointment.
Once this is scheduled, you will receive an email with a link to complete the initial intake paperwork. This includes a short intake questionnaire, which will be helpful for me to have prior to our first appointment.
We did it! You're booked and ready to go. Our sessions will be 50 minutes long, with the first session being a space to get to know each other better. This will set the pace of our work together.
The general therapeutic approach of most therapies is traditional “talk” therapy. There are many researched interventions that qualify as talk therapy, but in general all consist of a conversation and question asking exchange aimed at helping you reflect on your experiences and struggles and thinking patterns.
My approach is different because IFS and EMDR are a more experiential type of therapy. Basically what this means is that I am guiding you through the therapeutic experience. It requires less cognitive thinking and more allowing your system to do the work itself. Don’t worry, we still talk! We don’t dive immediately into IFS or EMDR. It will feel familiar at first, and we will ease into the treatment path that makes the most sense for you.
Yes! Both IFS and EMDR can be done virtually. You will not miss out on any part of the therapeutic experience by doing sessions virtually. I do ask that you have a private space to do your virtual therapy, and that you are able to be focused (no driving or multitasking).
EMDR is an evidence based approach for trauma that has been highly researched and shown to reduce symptoms related to experiencing trauma. Trauma is stored differently in our brains than other memories. Your brain and nervous system have been working over-time trying to protect you from trauma happening again. While this is biologically exactly what your brain and body should be doing, practically it makes day-to-day life quite difficult. EMDR works to harness the power of your brain to move trauma to a different part of the brain resulting in a neutralizing of the memory and reducing or eliminating your symptoms.
EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (eye movement, tapping, or sound) to work through upsetting memories (they can be big ones or a series of small ones) to neutralize the memory in your brain. Once this happens, you no longer will have the nervous system, emotional, or cognitive response you once did to this memory.
It is an incredibly powerful tool, and because of this there is an on-ramp to the reprocessing portion of EMDR work. Many people are familiar with the reprocessing step in EMDR, but there are actually 8 phases to the process. It is important that we work together to make sure that your system is ready for reprocessing. We likely won’t get to reprocessing in the first sessions that you come to, but we will be working toward that goal if EMDR is a good fit for you.
I wish I could answer this question for everyone who comes to see me. The reality is I don’t know. My number one goal, however, is for you to not be in therapy any longer than you need or want to be. For many people, we pick a focus of our work, complete that piece of work, and then discuss next steps. It is always clear when a piece of trauma work feels complete. We might take a short break (a month or so), take an indefinite break, or continue on to another piece of work. I think it is important for people to live life and experience things with a break from therapy from time to time. Even if you have to stop therapy before something is complete, you never lose that progress!
That being said, some people look at therapy as a preventative measure and want to continue regular sessions for an extended period of time. That is totally fine as well. Whatever is best for you is my main priority.
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a deeply compassionate and client-centered approach to therapy that is also incredibly effective and impactful. During an IFS session we use mindfulness to “go inside” and explore the parts of your protective system that have been automatically going in the background for a long time. You might already be aware of some of these parts of your protective system, and others you might be discovering for the first time.
In our exploration, the going inside will work to unburden your protective system and integrate the parts into a healthier role. They’ve been working hard to protect you from feeling the pain, emotional turmoil, and awful feelings from past experiences or traumas. We can actually work to heal the pain that your system is carrying, which is deeply transformational work.
IFS is highly experiential, and you have to try it to fully understand what this type of therapy feels like. Many clients will remark that it is “weird” but that it makes so much sense once they understand their systems. I love this type of work because I know firsthand the impact it can have on one’s life. I have been deeply transformed by my understanding of my own system and have witnessed it for countless others. Because of IFS my relationship with myself has greatly improved. I have more self compassion and curiosity, with less judgement and inner criticism. I also find this carries over into other relationships in my life.