In my last post, I shared my desire to begin to grow my mind to begin to dream again. I know I am not alone in this feeling of a stale holding pattern in life. I know I’m not the only one who has hoped for a season to change or believed the lie that everything will be better, easier, more fun, less stressful when __________ happens. What do we do when we get to that season and it doesn’t feel easier, better, more fun, or less stressful? We must recognize that we put our hope in the wrong thing.
When I say we need to dream again, I say it with a bit of hesitation that it will be taken out of context. I’m not saying that if you dream it, you will achieve it. Things don’t tend to always happen like that, and there are so many things we cannot control. What I am trying to encourage us towards is an expectant heart that has gratitude for the now so that we can also look forward in hope of what is to come. Hope in something we can’t predict or see is an act of faith. It doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble or difficulties. It doesn’t mean we’ll have all the answers. What does it mean then?
Grounded in our present and holding tight to gratitude for now, allows us to look forward in a new way. Doing this, I can recognize how I am truly feeling, what I am experiencing, and what is good (because there is always something good). With this awareness, I can begin to dream about the future because I’m grounded in the now. In thinking about this I’ve really been mediating on two scriptures:
When my eyes are on my path and no one else’s I can see more clearly who God is and how I am a part of His story.
In our hoping, we wait. In our waiting, we can grow in our trust and our acceptance of God’s good love over our lives.
It is with these two pieces, focus on my own path and trusting in hope, that I created these journaling pages for you. I hope that you find them encouraging, useful, and building in your hopes and dreams.
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